Be sure to read and understand exactly how your health insurance plan works. Look deeper into the schedule of benefits, limitations/exclusions, and the terms of your policy. Do you understand the different factors that make up your health plan? Why are some plans so cheap? While are others very expensive? We can help you customize the health insurance plan that fits your needs and budget.

What type of health insurance policy do you currently have? Do you have a comprehensive major medical program with low copays? Or do you have a high deductible health plan? There are many health insurance polices to pick and choose from in the marketplace. Learn have to get back to health insurance basics. Learn about consumer driven health plans. High Deductible Plans coupled with a Health Savings Account (HAS). Reduce your monthly premiums and increase your piece of mind.

Group health insurance plans across the United States are on the decline. Health insurance inflation increases at nearly 20% per year. That seems to be a combination that most business owners do not want to deal with. What can we do to mitigate costs for small business health insurance plans? Do you know what Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) are? How about a Medical Expense Reimbursement plans? If not you must check out our tips…

Do you know what health insurance plan you want to apply for? But do not understand the application process, how underwriting works, or what an effective date is? You should try to avoid common mistakes that many make when completing their health insurance application. You must fill out this legal contract honestly, accurately, and to the best of your ability. Do you need further tips on the application process?

Group health insurance plans across the United States are on the decline. Health insurance inflation increases at nearly 20% per year. That seems to be a combination that most business owners do not want to deal with. What can we do to mitigate costs for small business health insurance plans? Do you know what Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) are? How about a Medical Expense Reimbursement plans? If not you must check out our tips…

How do you currently research your Doctors and Hospitals? Do you get referred to them from your friends? Would it be easier if you had access to more information on their credentials? You know that many Doctors and hospitals will negotiate with you during a time of need. Make sure you are getting the best deal out there.